


Week 1 started with a welcome session hosted by the organizers to give us all an opportunity to say hello and meet each other. Since most of the folks would be working in different teams, it was really nice to talk to each member of the cohort in one session.

WelcomeToDjangonautSpace Djangonaut Welcome Session

I picked up two issues to work on this week:

  • For, I am working on fixing feed aggregation that let's approved users add their RSS feed in the website. The github issue #1137 has a fair bit of information on the issue and the detailed notes from Carlton were really helpful to get a mental model of the problem. I am still working on a draft PR and hopefully I can have a initial version of the draft out for review in the next week or so.

  • For django-cms, I am pairing with my fellow team mates on the issue #5839 that deals with Internationalization and redirection of a page and homepage when the pages have content in different languages. On our pairing session we did manage to replicate the same issue in django-cms quickstart but weren't able to figure it out, need to do some more digging on it.

What I learnt this week 🧠

  • Supporting Multiple Languages with Django
  • How to set single instance model with constraints in Django
  • How to configure multiple pages with primary and fallback languages in django-cms

Side Quests 🧙🏾‍♂️

  • For django-cms I think a really good tutorial can be one that builds upon where Django Girls tutorial leaves you with. This tutorial can also serve really well as getting started guide for django-cms from a perspective of someone who isn't well versed with Django or wants a beginner friendly introduction on how to use django-cms with your Django project.


  • I need to set more structured and dedicated time to work on the issues I pick up during the week.

Credits: – Djangonaut Logo



2024 has started on a good note for me, I got accepted into the the djangonaut program. It's a eight week mentorship program run by folks in the Django community to help others contribute back to the Django ecosystem.

Team size is intentionally kept small, for three Djangonauts per team there is one captian and one navigator.

Week 0 is mostly focused on getting to know folks in the cohort, your team and the mentors.

I got sorted into a team mars and we're working on contributions to the django-cms project.

The team consists of me, Moe, Raffaella, Anvansh our captian and Mark Walker as our navigator.

Activity Log for Week 0:

  • Picked a weekly catchup time with Mark, since all of us are on a different timezone.
  • Joined the django-cms's slack channel and got introduced to other memeber of the community in the django-cms's bi-weekly tech committee meeting.
  • Played with django-cms-quickstart to get a bird eye's view of the project.
  • Picked out potential tickets to work on for next week.

One really cool thing I liked about the cohort is they're big on encouraging us to talk with other members on the discord channel, explore various team projects, and pick up tasks that interest us from them.

I've always been fascinated by Django Debug Toolbar and ORM, so I'm thinking of starting with some low-hanging fruit there or revisiting my old Django tickets that I left hanging.

Looking forward to the next eight weeks to collaborate with this amazing community and learn along the way.

Credits: – Djangonaut Logo
