Djangonaut Week 0: Get! Set! Go!


2024 has started on a good note for me, I got accepted into the the djangonaut program. It's a eight week mentorship program run by folks in the Django community to help others contribute back to the Django ecosystem.

Team size is intentionally kept small, for three Djangonauts per team there is one captian and one navigator.

Week 0 is mostly focused on getting to know folks in the cohort, your team and the mentors.

I got sorted into a team mars and we're working on contributions to the django-cms project.

The team consists of me, Moe, Raffaella, Anvansh our captian and Mark Walker as our navigator.

Activity Log for Week 0:

One really cool thing I liked about the cohort is they're big on encouraging us to talk with other members on the discord channel, explore various team projects, and pick up tasks that interest us from them.

I've always been fascinated by Django Debug Toolbar and ORM, so I'm thinking of starting with some low-hanging fruit there or revisiting my old Django tickets that I left hanging.

Looking forward to the next eight weeks to collaborate with this amazing community and learn along the way.

Credits: – Djangonaut Logo
