

I came to see this warning a few days back when I was seeing the git diff of a file in reaction to this I open the file and hit enter at the last line to my surprise the warning remains still the same.

What is a new line? The new line is usually \n, aka (CR or CRLF) at the end of the file. It's helpful to identify the last byte of the file.

Why it is good to have a new line at the end of the file?

Quoting from here

A source file that is not empty shall end in a new-line character, which shall not be immediately preceded by a backslash character. Since this is a “shall” clause, we must emit a diagnostic message for a violation of this rule.

So, it turns out that, according to POSIX, every text file should end with a \n, or “newline” (not “a new line”) character. This acts as the eol, or the “end of line” character. It is a line “terminator”.

It's helpful to identify the end of file.

How to automatically add one with your favorite editor?

In your favorite editor, you can add newline automatically like this.

  • Emacs : Add (setq require-final-newline t) to your .emacs or .emacs.d/init.el file.
  • VS Code: set “files.insertFinalNewline”: true

#100DaysToOffload #POSIX #Git #NoNewLine

Git is a version control tool, that helps to track changes in the project. We will discuss a few useful commands which are handy to know while working with the git

Creating a branch with no commits on it

>>> git checkout --orphan <branch_name>
>>> git log
fatal: your current branch '<branch_name>' does not have any commits yet

Remove stale branches In your local, if you have branches that are removed in the remote then you can use the prune command to delete those branches in local also.

>>> git remote prune origin

To pick a commit from another branch If you want to pick a commit from other branches into your current branch you can use the cherry-pick command and -x for when recording the commit, append a line that says “(cherry picked from commit ...)” to the original commit message to indicate which commit this change was cherry-picked from.

>>> git cherry-pick -x <commit SHA1>

To view commits that are not pushed yet

>>> git log @{u}..

Run previous command In Git, we are also switching from one branch to the other. Typing the name, again and again, is tedious. You can use - with the Git command, to save your self from typing the name again

>>>  randomos git:(useless_dict) git checkout add_numbers
Switched to branch 'add_numbers'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/add_numbers'.
>>>  randomos git:(add_numbers) git checkout -
Switched to branch 'useless_dict'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/useless_dict'.

If you have any Git commands which you feel are worth sharing and can save some time. Please do share.


#100DaysToOffload #Git #VersionControl

Git rebase is a very handy command to integrate changes from one branch to another, we can run git rebase in two modes manual and interactive. In manual all commit take from the current branch and applied over the head of the passed branch, but in case of the interactive rebase command you have more control over the option to what do with commits.

So to understand how rebase work, we take an example where we have a master branch with the following commits.

>>> git log
commit 8bfb8c19c3d7b795e9698a9818880d89ca3c214a
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:06:07 2020 +0530

    New goals added

from this master branch, we create a new branch dev and do some changes/bug fixes.

>>> git checkout -b dev master
>>> git log
commit a05b6cd75e604df0f4434a574809a4fc14e4313e
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:08:11 2020 +0530

    workaround bugs

commit 8bfb8c19c3d7b795e9698a9818880d89ca3c214a
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:06:07 2020 +0530

    New goals added

but in between the other developer push changes in the master branch and to integrate that changes in your current branch you can use merge or rebase command, the rebase helps you maintain the liner history of your workflow.

>>> git checkout master
>>> git log
commit 3c5d6baf13aeac37d9efb1218bbf3240ec5c2a12
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:07:29 2020 +0530

    new release added

commit 8bfb8c19c3d7b795e9698a9818880d89ca3c214a
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:06:07 2020 +0530

    New goals added

so now to integrate new changes from master to your branch dev, without making the commit history complex, we can use rebase command, let's check out

>>> git checkout dev
>>> git rebase master
>>> git log
commit 184805896dd5684fc076b9bb9aa34eb3994251b1
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:08:11 2020 +0530

    workaround bugs

commit 3c5d6baf13aeac37d9efb1218bbf3240ec5c2a12
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:07:29 2020 +0530

    new release added

commit 8bfb8c19c3d7b795e9698a9818880d89ca3c214a
Author: Sandeep <>
Date:   Sun Jun 14 01:06:07 2020 +0530

    New goals added

we can also run the rebase command in —interactive mode which gives us the option to edit/squash/... the commits

>>> git rebase -i master
pick 1848058 work around bugs

# Rebase 3c5d6ba..1848058 onto 3c5d6ba (1 command(s))
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# d, drop = remove commit
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
# Note that empty commits are commented out

One of the cool use of the git rebase command is that you can change the base of the branch from one branch to other by use of —onto option.

Let assume you create a branch featureA from master and then another branch featureB from featureA, to change the base of the featureB branch.

# git rebase --onto <newbase> <oldbase>
>>> git rebase --onto master featureA featureB

So this is all about the git rebase command, which can help you to keep your commit history clean and your current working branch commits sync with the master branch.
