

Making sense of docstrings with Python's ast and tokenize module and using recursion to rewrite Python's os.walk()

Last week was among the busy week at work with a release. Sadly personal goals suffered.

I did manage to put some effort into issues that were pending. Let's walk through each of them one at a time:

  • Lynn Root, maintainer of interrogate did give a detailed description of the issue. The approach to reaching the solution makes much more sense to me now. Based on the response wrote a simple script to check # nodocqa on docstrings i.e do not get coverage of the particular class or function. Need to check now how to implement that on interrogate.

  • On reading about Recursion realized, recursive algorithms are widely used to explore and manage the file system. This reminded me about Python's os.walk() method. Did spend some time reading the implementation though the code is well documented I am still not 100% sure how it works. I guess will learn more when I finish the script that mimics os.walk() in some manner.

That's all for the last week. Until next week. Stay safe folks.


Interrogating docstrings, Django's custom user model, Python's ast and tokenize module.

Oh boy! The week was more fun than I had planned.

Let's walk through each of them one at a time:

  • After finishing one of the courses on Django Celery. I wanted to put my knowledge to the test by building a knockoff version of Buttondown. Started a project called Hermes. Currently, Hermes has all the models done, celery setup is done and basic auth in place. Wanted to implement a custom user model so that the username field can be emailed instead of a username. So currently stuck with a bug related to that hopefully, will be resolved by next week.

  • I picked an issue in a library interrogate. interrogate gives a coverage report of missing docstrings and currently does not have a skip function like noqa. So I picked up the issue to add that. On a quick glance saw that ast module was being internally used. Though ast module doesn't include comments. The tokenize module can give you comments but doesn't provide other program structures. So I guess I need to mix and match both to add the feature.

  • Last year I sprinted for scanapi at EuroPython sprints 2020. I moved back to the project this week. Started back again by adding some docs, adding issue templates, and docstring coverage to the project. Also, this is how I stumbled upon interrogate.

I also managed to stay on course with my yearly health goal. Meditated daily and spent a decent 40min doing some cardio/core exercises on the working weekdays.

That's it for this week. Until next week. Stay safe folks.
