Fun with Bits

I recently stumbled across a very peculiar topic called Bit Manipulation. In most of my programming days, I haven't actually relied on the binary operation to get me the result, I know under the hood everything is converted into 0's and 1's but it was all abstraction to me.

The case was different here. While working with Bit Manipulation, I had to actually rely on arithmetic bit operations to get me to the result. So it became real interesting real soon.

Bitwise operators

Basic operation done on bits are done with bitwise operators. Since we primarily work on bits these operations are fast and are optimized to reduce time complexity.

The first three &, | and ~ are fairly straightforward. So I would briefly go over it.

&: if both bits are of equal size than & operator would compare each position and would return True/1 if input bits are True/1. Similarly for False/0.

    6       : 1 1 0
    5       : 1 0 1
            -------- &
              1 0 0

|: if both bits are of equal size than & operator would compare each position and would return True/1 if input bits differ. Similarly for False/0.

     5       : 1 0 0
     3       : 0 1 1
            --------  |
              1 1 1

~: Not operator just compliments the bit it gets. In fancy computer lingo it gives one’s complement of a number.

    5       : 1 0 1
            -------- ~
              0 1 0

Now coming to more interesting operators:

Operator Name
>> Right Shift
<< Left Shift

If two bits are of two equal-size ^ of both bits in the compared position would be 1 if compared bits are of different binary and would be 0 if bot the compared bits are the same.

    6       : 1 1 0
    5       : 1 0 1
            -------- ^
              0 1 1

While discussing Left Shift,<< and Right Shift, >> we will be talking about arithmetic shifts.

Left shift <<

1 << 1 = 2 = 1 * (2  ** 1) 
1 << 2 = 4 = 1 *(2  ** 2) 
1 << 3 = 8 = 1 * (2  ** 3)
1 << 4 = 16 = 1* (2  ** 4)
1 << n = 2n

Right shift >>

4 >> 1 = 2
6 >> 1 = 3
5 >> 1 = 2
16 >> 4 = 1

Both Right shift and Left shift operators come real handy in masking.

Masking allows the user to check/change a particular bit at a particular position.

Some of the common functions associated with masking are:

Set Bit
def set_bit(x, position):
    mask = 1 << position
    return x | mask

    masking = 1 << 0 = 1 * (2 ** 0) 
    6       : 1 1 0
    1 << 0  : 0 0 1
            -------- |
              1 1 1
def is_bit_set(x, position):
    shifted = x >> position
    return shifted & 1
Clearing Bit
def clear_bit(x, position):
    mask = 1 << position
    return x & ~mask
Flip Bit
def flip_bit(x, position):
    mask = 1 << position
    return x ^ mask
Modify Bit
def modify_bit(x, position, state):
    state is param that tells us to set a bit 
    or clear a bit
    mask = 1 << position
    return (x & ~mask) | (-state & mask)


Bit manipulation can be used to solve problems that you are familiar with but necessarily don't know about. Here are some of my observations that I noted while using bit manipulation.

To check if the number is even
x = "Any int number here"
(x & 1) == 0

Practice Question

To check if the number is a power of two
Let, x = 4 = (100)2
x - 1 = 3 = (011)2
Let, x = 6 = (110)2
x - 1 = 5 = (101)2
Let, x = 6 = 1|1|0
(x- 1) = 5 = 1|0|1

Let,x = 16 = |1|0000
(x-1) = 15 = |0|1111

Let,x = 8 = |1|000
(x-1) = 7 = |0|111

Let,x = 23 = 1011|1|
(x-1) = 22 = 1011|0|
x = "Any int number here"
(x & x-1) == 0

There are a lot more things that can be done with just bits and are definitely not limited to the above observations. Try to find your own observations. Happy coding!