What is Closures ?

—date:2019-09-19 originally posted here

Today we will talk about Closure a functional object in Python.

Closure is a function object which has access to the local variables/free variables of the enclosing scope and can be executed outside its scope. Nested function is a Closure function if

Closure can be used for one of these

So lets see with a code snippet to see how closure and nested function are different from each other.

# nested functions 
def inc_x(x):  
    def add_10(x=x):
        print("{0} is increased by 10 = {1}".format(x, x+10)) 
    return add_10()  # remember about the parenthesis.
inc_value = inc_x(10)
inc_value  #Output: 10 is increased by 10 = 20

So the above function will be called a Nested function, not a Closure because

Now let see the Closure function example.

# closure functions 
def inc_x(x):  
    def add_10(): 
        print("{0} is increased by 10 = {1}".format(x, x+10)) 
    return add_10 # returning function without parenthesis, passing only references.

inc_value = inc_x(10)
# We are able to execute the inner function outside its scope.
#Output: 10 is increased by 10 = 20

So above code will be called as Closure function rather than Nested function because

Closure in python is created by a function call, here every time incx is called a new instance of this function is created. So whenever you call incx a binding reference is made to x which is used in add_10 function.

So let see how under the hood these variable reference are maintained

# Taking same example for the above code
def inc_x(x):  
    def add_10(): 
        print("{0} is increased by 10 = {1}".format(x, x+10)) 
    return add_10

add_10 = inc_x(30)

# Output: 30 is increased by 10 = 40

# Checking whether it is Closure or not.

'__closure__'  in  dir(add\_10)

# Output: True

# Getting the free variable value from closure.


# Output: 30

While talking about the closure we also heard the term free variables which is also an interesting topic to discuss, which I will cover in the next blog post, till then

Cheers !! :)
Happy Learning