Ansible: Roles

Ansible's roles allow grouping the content, which can be reused and easily share with other users. The role consists of vars, files, tasks, and other artifacts in a standard directory structure which have these subdirectories.

We can use roles in the playbook or task with the help of Include and Import. To know more about Import/Include, you can check here

Playbook Roles at playbook level are imported statically and executes the playbook in this order

- hosts: webservers
    - aws

Task with Include

- hosts: all
    - name: Use a dynamic roles
           name: role_name  

Task with Import

- hosts: all
    - name: Use a static roles
           name: role_name  

Passing parameter to the roles

- hosts: all
    - { role: aws, message: "ec2" }
    - { role: aws, message: "s3" }

Conditionally adding roles

- hosts: all
    - name: Include the some_role role
        name: some_role
      when: "ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Ubuntu'"

Ansible's roles are really helpful to group the similar content and use in the different playbook and give the feasibility to the user to share with other which saves a lot of work. It's worth using them and shares your roles in the community to help others.


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