Ansible: Command Line Arguments

While running your Ansible playbook, we can have the option of passing the argument from the command line. With the help of this, we define a generic playbook and use command line arguments to control the play. Let see how

Let's first start with the playbook, where we have defined the variable x is the playbook.

- hosts: all
    x: 45
    - debug: var=x

In this playbook, we will pass the value of x from the command line arguments with the help -e “value”.

- hosts: all
    - debug: var=x
>> ansible-playbook playbook_nmae.yml -e "x=56"

Now let's write a playbook which can uninstall/install a package with the help of command line arguments.

- name: Install/Unistall pacakges with command line
  hosts: all
  became: 'yes'
    - name: 'working with {{pkg}}'
        name: '{{pkg}}'
        state: '{{req_state}}'

Now, from the command line, we can pass the package name and state of the package.

>>ansible-playbook playbook_name.yml -e  "pkg=nginx req_state=present"

>>ansible-playbook playbook_name.yml -e  "pkg=nginx req_state=absent"


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