Installing UBUNTU for the first time

Today I tried to install UBUNTU 18.04 LTS into my friend's laptop. I will say it was quite a mixed experience. Below are the following steps I did for installing:

Step 1 : Partition

Click on windows icon type “Create and format Disc”. There you will see the following : Create and Format Disc

Step 2: Creating a USB flash drive

Meanwhile, download the ISO file for UBUNTU 18.04 (LTS bionic). Also, download Etcher for creating flash USB. Give the path for downloaded iso file. Etcher image

Step 3 : Restart

Go to the BIOS setup. For my dell Vostro laptop. I will press F12 just as the dell image logo is visible. BIOS setup * Go to your USB drive * Select “Open UBUNTU without installing”

Click on the “Install UBUNTU 18.04.1 LTS” and it will ask for the following configuration.

  1. Select Normal Installation. Uncheck download updates while installing Ubuntu. Normal Installation Now there are two steps 1. Easy Step 2. Creating our configuration

    Easy Step

  2. Select “Install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager” and goto Step 8 Windows Boot Manager

    Our Configuration for home, root, and swap

  3. Select “Something ElseSometing Else Find where there is free space you have created. Free Space

  4. Select and click on the “+” icon and we will allocate the space for “swap” and “home” and “root” directory.

  5. Select logical memory and / signifies root, allocate 20 GB for it.

  6. Select swap memory for 4GB (half the RAM size is preferred, for my Laptop of 8GB, it's 4096 MB).

  7. Now give the rest of the space for the home.

  8. Now select install now. Install now and Continue Continue Click on continue. And wait for the installation to finish. Yay! we are all done.