Python day3!

In continuation with the last blog, we now proceed with the following topic.

Variables and Datatype Following identifiers are used as reserved words, or keywords of the language, and cannot be used as ordinary identifiers. They must be typed exactly as written here:

false                   class              finally

is                         return            

none                    continue        for

lambda                  try             

true                       def                  from

non-local              while

and                        del                   global

not                        with

as                           elif                  if

or                           yield

assert                     else                 import


break                     except               in


In Python, we don't specify what kind of data we are going to put in a variable. So, we can directly write abc=1 and abc will become integer datatype. If we write abc= 1.0 abc will become of floating type.

a= 13

From the given example we understand that to declare a variable in Python we just need to type the name and the value. Python can also manipulate strings, they can be enclosed in single quotes or double-quotes.

Reading input from keyboard Generally, the real-life Python codes do not need to read input from the keyboard. In Python, we use an input function to do input(“string to show”); this will return a string as output.

Let us write a program to read a number from the keyboard and check if it is less than 100 or not.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
number=int(input("Enter an integer:"))
if number<100:
print("Your no. is smaller than 100")
print("Your number is greater than 100")

$ ./
Enter an integer: 13
Your number is smaller than 100.
$ ./
Enter an integer: 123
Your number is greater than 100.